Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Is Blog We accordance with demand?

a.Alamat Blog or the appropriate URL
   Make sure you write the address exactly as we do registration or registration on Google Adsense
b. Blog Or Url Not so long
    When visitors aja disappointed to see our blog blom so, what else could regret on the part of Google Adsense, do not stop there also make sure that our blog is accessible and works well when we mendaftarkanya the link.
c. Our unique content
    With our model of funny and interesting and make sure we can add interesting from the Google Adsense. Try to have our blog posts are at easily recognizable to Google Adsense
d. Language Blog is easy to Understand Google Adsense On
    Blogs that use Indonesian now can be recognized from the google adsense. but better if we berbahsa english blog to make it more profitable for us to more quickly and in a response by the google adsense.
   If all that we perluka all ready ... Now when we apply his or registration to Google adsense. So we must make sure semuannya online internet in good condition and setabil
WELCOME TRY ................................. ............... ..........


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